Friendly and inviting photo of Lexi Nadine, urging people to contact her

Contact me and let me know your thoughts!

I want this blog to be a symbiotic relationship between the readers and myself. Put simply, that means I want to hear from you to make sure you feel like you’re getting the most out of what I’m writing. Feel free to tell me what things you get value from in my blog, and what things you don’t. Tell me what you want more of and what irritates you. As long as people communicate with me in a polite way, I will be happy to receive any constructive criticism. I want to make sure I optimize this website for everyone’s benefit and I want to know that I’m having the biggest positive impact I can. Basically, give me feedback!

Ask questions you’re afraid to comment
Give me topics you want me to cover

Stay in contact and don’t forget to follow me on all my social media as well—especially my two favorites, Pinterest and Instagram!


Lexi Nadine

P.S. If you like that hat I’m wearing, you’re in luck; I’m not a clothes gatekeeper. I got this hat as a holiday present and I loved it so much that I found out where it came from (the label helped). It came from C.C Beanie, which has a wide array of super cute, super nice hats. This is not a sponsored post, by the way. I just really love this hat!